Sustainable Packaging: What You Need to Know

If you know anything about us, you know that here at Color It Green, we are all for sustainability! From manufacturing to packaging, we love our brands that walk the walk! It’s something we take into serious consideration when choosing to work with a brand and/or offer a product to you, our community.

Sustainable packaging is becoming a higher priority for both companies and consumers; and we strive to hold our brands accountable. Many of us were brought up with the phrase 'reduce, reuse, recycle' in our vocabulary. Today, we are seeing businesses reflect these same values, and even going above and beyond.

Let’s get into it!

What is sustainable packaging?

Simply put, sustainable packaging is packaging that, over time, reduces its environmental footprint.

  • Ingredients: Using raw 100% recycled or raw materials
  • Production process: By minimizing the production process and supply chain, we lower the carbon footprint
  • Reusability: Creating a circular economy around the packaging, extending its life cycle and usability

From 1960 to 2015, the packaging waste generated annually in U.S. has increased by 185%, and we can only assume that number has increased exponentially in the most recent years thanks to Covid-19 (hello online shopping). Businesses are taking notice and are committing too re-assess what they can do better. Even big-box stores are introducing more earth-friendly packaging options. For example, striving to use rightsize packaging to best fit their products. Also, if they’re using plastic containers for their products, reducing the amount of plastic in the material or striving to use recycled plastic containers. Finally, this one may feel simple, but actually recycling the recyclable packaging materials!

When searching for companies, we look for brands that have implemented an environmentally-conscious packaging strategy because it clearly demonstrates their commitment to sustainability. Eco-friendly packaging does more than just keep recyclable materials out of landfills for longer periods of time. It also considers the energy expended in creating them. It can reduce carbon emissions, particularly when you choose a company that invests in or utilizes solar and wind production. Together, as consumers, we can stay educated to reduce environmental burden, protect natural resources, and encourage proper end-of-life disposal. Packaging is a great billboard; let’s use it!